The stunning potpourri of coding and mundane life


29th September, 2022

Let's face it. As young and ambitious students, we are in a haste to explore the new and exciting technologies and languages doing rounds in the market.

Turns out, it is simpler said than done.

When this temptation overtakes your senses, you begin feasting on the most appetizing codes and voila! You are saturated. You cannot take anything more.

Here are some drawbacks of learning more than one tech topic at once.


1. It is a proven fact that humans cannot multitask. We are incapable of shifting our focus back and forth as it reduces our efficiency. After all, the jack of all trades is the king of none.

2.Sometimes while learning two or more languages at once, their syntaxes start getting mushed up in our brains. One might argue that a program hinges more on logic than syntax but for an experienced programmer, facing syntax errors is a disgrace.

3.Sometimes, if a particular language or technology interests you more than others, you start focusing more on it, leaving the important ones on the back-burner. This can backfire as the pending work keeps piling up and, in the end, leaves you frustrated and unable to meet the deadlines.

4.In the haste of meeting your deadlines of completing a ton of tech topics, you might end up rushing through the tutorial videos and copy-pasting the codes that can hamper your growth. It makes you rely on other's codes and kills your creativity.


5.Learning so many new technologies may eat up your free time and burn you out.

Here are a few tips to ensure that you learn a milieu of tech topics without any hindrance:


1.If you are a college student then do the following:

(a)Jot down all the things you would like to learn about

(b)After that, compare it with your college syllabus

(c)Now, plan to learn that particular topic in the semester you will be taught about it in college.

This has a ton of advantages such as:

-> The knowledge you will accumulate in this manner will last a lifetime
-> You keep revising key concepts of that topic which makes your foundation strong
-> You will have an edge over your peers as you will learn the concepts before they are taught in class.
-> You will have ample time to work on projects related to that topic

2.In case learning different topics at once is inevitable then, reserve time for each of them in your daily schedule, spending more time on the toughest one.

3.Prepare cheat sheets for each topic so that all the key concepts rush to your mind while you are coding


4.Practice each topic as much as possible. It goes a long way in developing your logical reasoning and polishing your coding grammar.
A word of caution: Make sure that you stick to one task in one time slot or else you will be back to square one.

5.Reserve some time on the weekends for additional practice and for creating projects . This will keep your momentum and interest heading in the right direction.


I hope that these little words of wisdom prove to be fruitful in your coding journey.